Friday, May 18, 2012

Zombies, Run!

Yes, run for your lives!! The zombie apocalypse has begun!...On my iPod. hahaha...

Almost 2 weeks ago I downloaded an app on my iPod called Zombies, Run! It's a running app that tracks your pace, distance, and time all within a game where you're running from zombies and collecting supplies for your little town of Abel. The longer you run, the more supplies you collect, the more supplies you collect the more you build up your base, and the more you build up your base the more people you save!! It starts off with 99 people and so far in the past 1 week 5 days that I've been using it I've been able to build that number to 148 with all the supplies I've collected. It's SO fun and it makes me WANT to run....So much so that on August 11th I, Kellsi Foster, will be running in either a 5K race or....drum roll please.....a half marathon!!

This coming Monday I'll start training. If I do well with it this summer and feel up to the challenge, I'll most definitely compete in the half marathon. If I don't feel quite up to par by then, I'll compete in the 5K. Either one is fine with me since I've never done these before! It's always been my goal to do it, but, I've just never done it, so, I figured since there are SO many race opportunities here in VA I'd better take advantage while we're here!! Plus this is a spectacular way for me to finally get back into shape (and be in even BETTER shape than I was pre-pregnancy)...

The game Zombies, Run! has made me think "What if something like this were to actually happen?" in the event that it DID happen, I'd most definitely want to be a survivor and save my family. But, how would I be able to save them if I couldn't run that fast or far because I was too out of shape? That would be devastating!!! I know Ryan would be able to save himself, heck, he's one of the most fit people I know, he goes running almost every morning (and with our 2 huskies nonetheless) he does p90x EVERY morning, AND pretty soon he'll be training for soccer once again (his season starts up again in August). So yeah, I know he'd definitely be able to take care of himself if he had to run for his life. But, what about me? I wanna be like that too! I don't work out (only) because I want to look good (yes, it IS one of the reasons, but who doesn't want to look and feel good?!). I want to be STRONG and have stamina, endurance, and the ability to  protect my children and myself....So, by golly, that's what I intend to do!!!!

Now, I am going to post some pictures that are a little bit, no, a LOT a bit, embarrassing...I'm going to post pictures of my body that I took, and will be taking, every month since March. It's going to help me see the transformation myself since when I look at myself in the mirror I still just see a body that makes me unhappy rather than the fact that changes ARE occurring!...So, please don't laugh. Don't judge me. And please don't compare my body to yours or anyone else's, good or bad!!

Also, bear in mind that in these pics, I'd only actually worked out for 8 days...and then both Scarlet and I got sick so there really isn't that big of a difference, but, I made myself get "difference" pics anyway because I DID lose 4lbs and an inch in my waist within those 8 days!

Pics on the left are Day 1. Pics on the right are Day 30.


  1. Kellsi you look so good!! Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thanks girl!!! The 2nd pic was from April, I'll be posting this months "difference" pics next week :)

  2. You look awesome Kellsi!!!! Which is inspiring me to look better too. Haha. Good job momma!

  3. Ok your belly gives me comfort! I know that sounds weird, but I worked in the wellness center on campus doing skin folds, and some of the post-pregnancy bellies scared me. And there babies were over a year old! But your baby is a few months old and your belly is normal. I am a little less scared of pregnancy now!

  4. Hahaha!!! Well, I'm glad my belly is "normal" and not scary!!! Lol, but no I totally know what you're talking about cuz that same thing used to scare me about having kids! But honestly, I have super elastic skin like my mom so instead of having a bunch of extra skin, I just have extra fat...bahahaha...which I'd much rather have cuz I know I can work it off...Extra skin on the other hand? ya, not so much....But thankyou again! haha
